Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hello all and welcome back to the kitchen.... Now if you know me you know i have smoked cigarettes since the age of 12. I have quit several times for two months here and six months there. Due to a health issue, I started taking Chantix eight weeks ago and have been smoke free for seven weeks now. I find this time I do not fidget...That was a huge problem the other times I quit smoking; having something to occupy my thoughts and hands. Since I am in school now, my thoughts are occupied with what homework or test is tomorrow or next week. My hands are occupied by pen and paper in prose for english class or in completion of critical thinking homework or just surfing the net. I find that I can be around other smokers and not get the "I miss that" urge; now I get the "I am so glad that is out of life" urge. Whether is a shift in thinking or just the "right" time (like the commercials say) or the Chantix, I cannot say. I am very happy to be keeping a promise I made to niece a year ago this month. On my 32nd birthday, my beautiful sister and her family comprising CK her husband (super talented artist www.chkennedystudios.com), my nephew age 9 now, and my niece age 7 now at a local mexican restuarant. Lil miss was going through my purse and as always she found cigarettes in it. She looked at me so grown up and said,"Aunt Suzy I thought you was gonna quit?!" I repeated the 1000th time," I am." She threw the guantlet,"WHEN?" The next week I started yet another unsuccessful attempt. When I faltered,"It's okay Aunt Suzy. I KNOW you will quit one day for me." Now I can say I am quit for the rest of my life from cigarettes for my niece who I love more than air, but even more so, for myself. Today (and all my tomorrows) my pride in myself has GROWN exponentially. I have a facebook page and I update my status every so often for moral support. My Jennie, my best friend from 7th grade till now 21 years strong this year, has always always always said I can do everything and anything I want and put my mind to... Now I am starting to believe it too..... Relevant quote: The longest journey always begins with the first step.


  1. I have and always will believe in you and your dreams! Congrats on your 7th week smoke free!

  2. Smart, beautiful AND an eloquent writer....not fair! ;) I am very proud of you big sis, you know you are one of Karsen and Dylan's role models..thank you for doing that for them and most of all for you! YAY!!!
    p.s. love the blog post and you should continue writing....
